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Bester japanischer Film - Rashmoon

Zu Rashomon Krimi Ab 1950 unter der Regie von Akira Kurosawa mit Toshiro Mifune und Machiko Kiyo in den Hauptrollen. Dauer: 88 Minuten. Herstellungsland: Japan. Kurze Zusammenfassung des Films Raschomon (1950). Unter dem Portikus des Rusho-Gottheitstempels in Kyoto im 15. Jahrhundert erinnern Holzfäller, Bonzen und Diener an die tragische Bluttat vor Gericht: Ein Bandit griff einen Samurai an, der mit seiner Frau unterwegs war. Dschungel, einen Mann töten und eine Frau vergewaltigen. Filmkritik Es geht oft um den männlichen Wunsch, die besten Nachrichten aus Polen, die besten Nachrichten aus Polen, die besten Nachrichten aus Polen, das Geheimnis um die verwirrende Spur des tasmanischen Wolfes zu entdecken, und das Geheimnis der verwirrenden Spur des tasmanischen Wolfes ist eine großartige Kommunikationseinheit für diesen Zweck beste Nachrichten aus Polen von den besten Informationen. Könnte aus Polen sein Eine ehrliche Rezension eines Films oder einer Serie Die besten N

Rotala rotundifolia



To breed it is obvious that the fish will need to be well fed so they have enough nutrition to grow the eggs and sperm.  Meaty foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia etc will be helpful in this.


Stimulating Spawning


It appears that conditions simulating those at the start of the rainy season in their native habitat are likely to encourage spawning.  These conditions will include an increase in water level by the addition of pure water.    This will reduce the hardness of the water.  A reduction in the water temperature of 5 degrees C (9 degrees F) may also help.



The Reticulate Loach, Botia lohachata is also called the Reticulated Loach, The Yoyo Loach, The Y-Loach and The Pakistani Loach.  It is similar to Botia almorhae, and shares several common names with that fish.


The Reticulate Loach is native to India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh.


Length and Longevity

The Reticulate Loach can reach 11 centimetres (4 inches) in length although exceptional individuals can be bigger than this. It has been reported as living up to 20 years.

Water Conditions

This is a mostly tropical fish although its range includes some cooler areas.  A temperature in the aquarium of between 19 and 30 degrees C (between 66 and 86 degrees F) is suitable for this fish. In some parts of its range water temperatures can get lower than this. Kirysek pandaCorydoras panda

Reasonably soft water with a pH between 6 and 7.5 is ideal, but they can be acclimatized to water outside this pH range with moderate hardness.  Reticulate Loaches prefer clean, well oxygenated water, and usually do better if there is no more than a moderate current in the tank; in nature they are usually found either in still water or in slowly flowing water rather than raging torrents.

A well planted tank will make this fish act as if it feels more secure.  This is a reasonably big fish which needs the company of its own kind, so it is very unsuitable for a small aquarium.

By nature they are partially nocturnal, but they adapt quickly to being active and eating during the day time.  By having plenty of plants, including some floating ones the lower part of the aquarium will be in the subdued light that this fish prefers.


Reticulate Loaches have four pairs of barbels.  These can be damaged by the substrate of the aquarium, so the sand or gravel should not be sharp.  Loaches have no obvious scales (although they do have some small scales) and are sometimes referred to as being ‘naked’ fish.

Hiding Places

These fish like to be able to hide and will get into small spaces, so you should also avoid any sharp edges on ornaments or stones in the tank.  They like a hiding place that they will just fit into, so there should be a lot of different small caves etc. so they can choose a suitable one as they grow.  Reticulate Loaches generally do not like large open caves that might suit Clown Loaches.


The Reticulate Loach is an omnivore with a preference for animal food.  They will eat any normal fish food that sinks.  Most of their feeding is at the bottom of the tank, but they are capable of eating in mid water. They occasionally also feed at the surface of the water.  Frozen Blood Worms are a good food, but their diet should be varied as much as possible.  Live food including Daphnia and Brine Shrimp are good.  In the wild their food includes snails, worms and small fish.

They will eat slices of vegetables such as cucumber, if these are weighted down so they stay on the bottom.


The Reticulate Loach, like many of its relatives, will eat some of the common aquarium types of snail.  This fish is sometimes purchased mainly to get rid of an infestation of snails in an aquarium.


The Reticulate Loach is sometimes kept as a scavenger.  As with any fish, you need to make sure it is getting enough of the right type of food, and you cannot rely on food missed by the other fish.  It will not eat fish wastes.


It is better for this fish to have a small amount of food several times a day rather than a lot of food once a day.


Schistosomiasis, also known as bilharzia, bilharziosis or snail fever is a serious disease affecting Humans and their domestic animals, as well as wild animals.  The intermediate host of the parasite which causes this disease is one of a number of species of freshwater snails.  One way of breaking the life cycle of this debilitating disease is to control the water snails.  The snail eating Reticulate Loach is one of many natural controls on the freshwater snail population and plays its part in controlling the disease. Fantom czarny (Barwieniec czarny)


The Reticulate Loach can make a clicking sound.  This may be produced by forcing air through the gills and may be connected with feeding on the surface of the water; an alternative explanation of the noise is that it is produced by specialized teeth in the throat of this fish that appear to aid in the extraction of snails from their shells.

Air Breathing

Although the ideal conditions include well oxygenated water, this fish has the ability to take in air and force it over their gills so they can absorb Oxygen from the atmosphere when they are in Oxygen deficient water.


Reticulate Loaches have sharp spines near their eyes.  These are used in a defensive manner, and care should be taken to avoid getting your skin pricked, or a plastic bag used for carrying the fish punctured.


This fish will sometimes rest on its side.  This behaviour is normal for Reticulate Loaches and some of its relatives and does not indicate any problem with the fish.


Reticulate Loaches are compatible with a wide range of fish.  I would avoid putting them with slow moving, long finned fish because some people have reported that they can nip the fins of these fish.  They are an active, semi-aggressive, fish which can disturb nervous fish.  However, when it is young it is a suitable companion for all the tetras, all the rasboras and many other fish.  A mature Reticulate Loach is a  bigger fish than many of the tetras, so you certainly should not expect them to be a suitable companion for the smaller tetras like the Neon Tetra and its relatives; especially remembering that in the wild their diet includes small fish.

The Reticulate Loach is not a schooling fish, but it does much better in a group of at least 5 fish.  They also appear to be less aggressive in a group than as a single fish.

The natural food of this fish includes snails and shrimp, so it is not a safe companion for freshwater shrimp. Nymphaea lotus


Observations suggest that the Reticulate Loach is one of the more intelligent aquarium fish.  They have been reported to be able to recognise people as individuals rather than just as people.


When they are mature, the females are fatter than the males, and when loaded with eggs can be very fat.  The slimmer males may have some red near their mouth.


This fish has very rarely been bred in a home aquarium.

A report suggests that spawning has occurred with a pair conditioned on mainly vegetable food.  The spawning happened at the water surface with a temperature of 28 degrees C (82 degrees F), a hardness of 11 degrees and a pH of 7.  The female laid between three and five thousand eggs of about 2 to 2.5 mm diameter.

The eggs hatched in 16-18 hours.

The care of the fry was reported as being easy and they reached between 1 and 1.5 cm in length after one month.

Commercial Breeding

The Reticulate Loach is bred on a large scale commercially by the injection of hormones.  This is done in Florida and other places.

Breeding in the Wild

They scatter their eggs over the bottom of the waterway they are in.  Spawning appears to be done in pairs rather than in a group.  The parents do not look after their babies.  The babies grow during the wet season.

Common Names

In English the common names of the Reticulate Loach include Reticulated loach, Yoyo Loach, Y-Loach, Painted Loach and Pakistani Loach.  The names “Y-Loach” and “Yoyo Loach” refer to the pattern of stripes on young fish of this species.  At different stages of growth the pattern can look like a series of y’s, and then later like the word ‘yoyo’.  When they are older they get the full net pattern which gives rise to the name “Reticulate Loach”.  The actual pattern on different individuals varies considerably. Eleocharis AcicularisPonikło igłowate

Scientific Name

The accepted name for this fish is Botia lohachata (Chaudhuri, 1912).  This is the only scientific name that has correctly been applied to this fish, but there is considerable confusion between Botia almorhae and Botia lohachata among aquarists.  These two fish are similar in appearance and the information in this fact sheet about keeping them could be applied to either species.

Differences between Botia lohachata and Botia almorhae

The native range of these two species is different, but overlaps.  While Botia lohachata comes from India, Pakistan, Nepal and Bangladesh, Botia almorhae comes from India, Nepal, Myanmar and maybe Pakistan.

Botia almorha grows a little larger than Botia lohachata, but this difference could only be applied to full grown specimens, or to populations.

A Botia almorhae is generally wider than a Botia lohachata of the same length.

Conservation Status

Botia lohachata has not been evaluated by the UICN Redlist, but there is no reason to think it is an endangered fish.

Botia almorhae has been evaluated as being a species of least concern.

Pest Fish

Although I am not aware of this fish becoming a problem in ecosystems it is not native to, the normal precautions should be observed to make sure it cannot get into waterways it is not native to.  The Reticulate Loach was introduced into the Philippines in 1991, but I don’t know if it has become established there.

Steve Challis

This fish seems more likely to breed if there are a good sized group of them.  The female can lay up to 400 eggs.  They are strongly adhesive, and stick to plants, including floating ones.

Echinodorus cordifolius Tropica Marble Queen

The eggs hatch in about 24 hours.  The babies are about 7 millimetres long after hatching.  In many cases the fry have succeeded in growing on the food present in a community tank.


Common Names


Common names for this fish in English include ‘Kuhli Loach”, “Coolie Loach”, “Giant coolie loach”, “Leopard loach”, “Slimy loach”, and “Slimy myersi”.


In French, it ii called “Kuhli” or “Loche coolie”, or “Loche léopard" or “Loche svelte” or “Serpent d'eau”.


Scientific Name


The accepted name is “Pangio kuhlii” (Valenciennes, 1846).



Although they cannot be described as a schooling fish, they seem to do better in groups; the larger the better.

Rotala rotundifoliaRotala okrągłolistna

They are peaceful fish and can be kept with other small peaceful fish.  They are a good inhabitant for a well planted community tank of at least 50 litres (13 US gallons).

Pest Fish

Catfish are in the fish order Siluriformes.  To put in perspective what an ‘order’ is in the classification of organisms, in mammals, the Bats make up one order, the Rodents another and Primates another.  As you can see, the classification ‘order’ can include a lot of different animals.  For example consider the difference between the primates, including Humans, apes, lemurs and others.  As with the primates, the Catfish of the order Siluriformes are a diverse group of animals.

Catfish range in length from a couple of centimetres to several metres. In aquariums and ponds there are a lot of different catfish kept.  The name “Catfish” comes from the ‘whiskers’ (barbels) that most Catfish have.

Some of the most popular catfish for aquariums are the corydoras catfish such as the Bronze and the Peppered catfish.  There are hundreds of different species of corydoras catfish. These are mostly tropical but some of them have a range extending well out of the tropics and these can tolerate lower temperatures.  As a general rule, the corydoras catfish are intolerant of very high temperatures and high concentrations of salt.

Some catfish like the Bristlenose Catfish are specialized for eating algae.

Although most Catfish are bottom feeders there are some midwater catfish like the Glass Catfish.


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